This class combines elements of both strength and metabolic conditioning.

    Strength components will teach you to move correctly under load with control and our metabolic conditioning components will get you breathing hard and that heart racing.

    Improve muscle growth, reduce body fat, and most importantly, improve your health and fitness.


    Our high intensity class with intention.

    Designed to develop your cardiovascular fitness, muscular strength and endurance.

    Each session is specifically written to challenge your fitness across a wide range of training stimulus using a variety of equipment.

    Expect anything from a barbell to dumbbells, kettlebells, and even deadballs.


    Our strength-based class, focused around our main compound lifts to develop a broad and balanced foundation of strength.

    Designed not only to improve your overall strength and build lean muscle mass, this class gives you the opportunity to develop your education and knowledge of your body.

    These sessions will improve your strength, flexibility, core engagement, and balance.


    The classes will help you build strength, increase lean muscle mass, and increase your cardiovascular health.

    Bonus: all without the need for any equipment and the convenience to do the workouts anywhere!

    Perfect if you’re short on time, are working out from home, or are on holiday!


    These classes are designed for those times when you only have access to limited equipment.

    We will utilise a kettlebell to increase your upper and lower body strength, target your core, and increase your cardiovascular capacity.

    A variety of fun and challenging workouts with only a kettlebell needed!


    This program is designed to increase strength and endurance of the posterior chain (your butt!) and midline.

    This will not only give you those “booty gains”, but also carry over to all our main lifts, helping to strengthen and stabilise.

    A strong core is the foundation to great movement.